Call for Proposals

How to Apply

Is there an open call for proposals on our Calls for Proposals page?

Great! It’s now time to submit your Concept Note.

Read The Complete Call Document

Each call for proposals includes important details about the projects that are eligible. Review the information in the call to find out:

Prepare Your Concept Note

If you are applying for an EbA Facility grant, you will submit your concept note via the Call for Proposal Submission Portal

Applicant organizations must complete the  Concept Note Template (English, French, Spanish). It is recommended that the Concept Note template is followed and completed fully. The Concept Note template has instructions on what is expected from the projects and indicates important references, such as the EbA Facility Logical Framework and CBF Environmental and Social Policy and Exclusion List. Concept Notes will be accepted in English, Spanish and French.

Write Your Full Proposal (Selected Concept Notes Only)

Full proposals after the concept selection phase will only be accepted in English. Funding to cover the cost of translation to English can be made available to applicants selected to submit full proposals as part of a project preparation grant mentioned.

Applicants must ensure that the Concept Note does not exceed seven (7) pages. No word limit is specified but Times New Roman font size 12 must be used throughout the submission and document margins must be maintained.