Fondo MARENA to support the manatee sanctuary with CBF resources


Fondo MARENA has launched the first Call for Proposals with Caribbean Biodiversity Fund (CBF) resources in the Dominican Republic.

Fondo Nacional para el Medio Ambiente y Recursos Naturales (Fondo MARENA) – The National Fund for the Environment and Natural Resources – has launched the first Call for Proposals with Caribbean Biodiversity Fund (CBF) resources in the Dominican Republic. Fondo MARENA was the first partner National Conservation Trust Fund (NCTF) to sign a Partnership Agreement with the CBF and it is through Fondo MARENA that the first CBF resources will reach the ground. It is an important milestone for the Caribbean Sustainable Finance Architecture, institutional arrangement that gathers the CBF, National Conservation Funds and international donors to conserve the Caribbean.

A small part of the resources will be used to initiate a legal, conceptual and territorial study to better define the marine protected areas in the country. This was identified as a need by the marine and coastal resources authority and will strengthen the policy framework regarding the protection and effective management of the marine and coastal ecosystems.

In addition, Fondo MARENA will dedicate most of the CBF first payment to support about 5 or 6 projects in the Mammals Sanctuary of Estero Hondo, in the north of Dominican Republic. The sanctuary is a small coastal and marine Protected Area of 48 hectares, and it is an important habitat for the Caribbean manatee (Trichechus manatus), one of the most endangered species in the region. Estero Hondo is a key area for the conservation of the species and it has also a high potential in terms of sustainable tourism. Several efforts are already in place to raise awareness and build the capacity in the communities around the park to engage in sustainable tourism activities. Fondo MARENA grants will complement these efforts, leveraging the benefits for the park and the communities.

The Fund received project proposals for the work in the Estero Hondo area until July 20th 2018 and a Technical Committee will select the ones to be financed following a set of criteria detailed in the Call for Proposals document.

Click here to access the Call for Proposals.

Asha-Gaye Cowell
Program Officer, Conservation Finance
Asha-Gaye Cowell is the Conservation Finance Program Officer. She has a diverse academic background, which includes a BSc. Economics and Statistics with first class honors, MSc. International Public and Development Management and a Visiting Fellowship Certification from the University of Oxford where she studied Behavioral Economics along with Strategy and Ethics. Complementing her academic prowess is a cross-section of professional experiences, including work with the Caribbean Community (CARICOM), UNECLAC, USAID, the Permanent Missions of Jamaica to the UN, among others. With extensive civic involvement, volunteerism, and strategic partnerships, Asha is very passionate about leadership, international and regional development, economics, youth and climate change.

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