deadline - December 17, 2024

USD 15.5 million available for ecosystem-based adaptation (EbA) projects

About us

Sustaining Our Natural Capital

We work to create a Caribbean region
where both its natural environment and people thrive.

Photo by Gabriel Genereux on Unsplash.

Who We are

We provide continuous funding for conservation and sustainable development in 14 countries within the Caribbean region.

What We Do

Our sustainable financing programs and projects will protect the Caribbean’s vital natural resources at scale for generations to come.

What's New

With over 1,600 globally threatened species, the Caribbean is one of the most critically endangered hotspots in the world. Stay up-to-date with how we sustain our natural resources.

Partner with us

Our partnerships fund urgent direct conservation and protection of the Caribbean’s natural resources.
Where we work

Working in 14 Caribbean countries and counting

The Caribbean Biodiversity Fund works on the ground and in the water, in the region’s most critical areas to protect the resources on which our people depend. Our partners, sustainable development programs and projects collectively champion natural solutions to the climate and biodiversity crises so that we can all thrive.
Our Priorities

Conserving Nature

With three programs—the Conservation Finance Program and the Climate Change Program focused on Ecosystem-based Adaptation (EbA) strategies, the CBF has made great strides in the conservation and sustainability of the Caribbean region.
The Nature-Based Economies Program contributes to the reduction of marine litter in the insular Caribbean….
The Conservation Finance Program focuses on the provision of funding towards the protection and management of biodiversity and natural resources and is mainly supported through the Endowment Fund. …
The Climate Change Program allows the Caribbean Biodiversity Fund to distribute grants directly to local, national and regional projects using competitive calls for proposals through its Ecosystem-based Adaptation (EbA) Facility….
Our News & Stories

Caribbean Sustainable Development News

Sharing stories from the region where innovative solutions are being used to create a more sustainable environment for all.
SLUNCF CEO - Mr Craig Henry and Superior Broom Members tour the herbal permaculture farm. Credit- SLUNCF
Divers in exploring coral reefs in the Caribbean.
Photo by CLEAR Caribbean at Tobago Cays, St. Vincent & the Grenadines