Our Projects

From mangrove restoration to replanting coral, the Caribbean Biodiversity Fund finances projects that preserve healthy biodiversity on 13 Caribbean islands.

With regional and local projects in various stages of implementation, we strive to make a positive and lasting impact in the conservation of the region’s natural resources.

Our Project Goals

Protect and manage the Caribbean’s natural resources
Strengthen the Caribbean Sustainable Finance Architecture
Provide long term financing solutions for marine and coastal areas

Institutional Projects

As a regional institution, the CBF is an implementing partner for donors to invest in conserving the Caribbean’s natural resources and rich biodiversity. The organization’s flexible structure allows for the implementation of innovative solutions for resource mobilization at the regional level through a range of financial instruments.

Photo by Gabriel Genereux on Unsplash.
Photo by Gabriel Genereux on Unsplash.

Funded Projects

On-the-ground, partner National Conservation Trust Funds (NCTFs) and Ecosystem-based Adaptation (EbA) Facility grantees implement projects for the preservation of the marine and terrestrial ecosystems in 13 countries within the insular Caribbean. The NCTFs additionally lead the grantmaking process and drive programs for the protection of biodiversity within their countries.