Distanced But Not Isolated


May 12, 2020 – The Caribbean Biodiversity Fund team hopes that you, your loved ones, and your colleagues are keeping safe and well. The COVID-19 pandemic has drastically impacted life as we know it, with terms such as social distancing, quarantine and isolation becoming normalized in our daily vocabulary and practices.

The CBF wishes to take this opportunity to highlight our continued commitment to our motto of “sustaining our natural capital” and to send positive thoughts and hope, assuring you that we will get through this together (from an appropriate social distance).

Now, more than ever, the importance of our mission of securing sustainable financing for conservation is clear. Ensuring appropriate resources levels for conservation and sustainable use takes on a whole new meaning, as we commit to promoting the environmental as a key pillar in the economic recovery plans for the region, post COVID-19.

While we may need to keep some distance for a while, we are not isolated. It is vital that we remain positive and stay digitally connected. Our thoughts are with those who have been affected and we wish you and your loved ones good health and strength ahead.

Asha-Gaye Cowell
Program Officer, Conservation Finance
Asha-Gaye Cowell is the Conservation Finance Program Officer. She has a diverse academic background, which includes a BSc. Economics and Statistics with first class honors, MSc. International Public and Development Management and a Visiting Fellowship Certification from the University of Oxford where she studied Behavioral Economics along with Strategy and Ethics. Complementing her academic prowess is a cross-section of professional experiences, including work with the Caribbean Community (CARICOM), UNECLAC, USAID, the Permanent Missions of Jamaica to the UN, among others. With extensive civic involvement, volunteerism, and strategic partnerships, Asha is very passionate about leadership, international and regional development, economics, youth and climate change.

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