Call For Proposal

Ecosystem-based Adaptation (EbA) Facility’s First Call for Proposals


The CBF is happy to open its first Call for Proposals, through the Ecosystem-based Adaptation Facility (the EbA Facility). The EbA Facility is requesting project proposals with a focus on EbA actions that help people adapt to adverse effects of climate change, reduce disaster risk, and build resilient ecosystems and economies.

The Facility will distribute grants from 250 thousand up to 2 million US dollars, directly to local, national, regional and international institutions, including civil society organizations, government agencies, universities/research organizations, and community-based organizations in eligible countries.

The EbA Facility resources are a contribution of the German government through KfW, the German development bank.

Call for Proposal Closed

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Is it possible to get abstracts and contact details for projects funded under the 1st Call for Proposals in Haiti and the Dominican Republic?

    Our two grantees with activities in Haiti are J/P Haitian Relief Organization (contract: Marc Kenson Theus, [email protected]) and the Dominican Institute for Integrated Development (contact: David Luther, [email protected].


    The four grantees with activities in the Dominican Republic are the Centro Agronómico Tropica de Investigación y Enseñanza (CATIE, contact: Miguel Cifuentes, [email protected]), Fundación REDDOM Rural Economic Development Dominicana (contact: [email protected]), Fundación Grupo Puntacana (contact: Jake Kheel, [email protected]), and IDDI (as above).

  • Are island coalitions (5 NGO/CSOs with MoU) considered an acceptable project applicant?

    Consortia are welcome to apply. However, there should be a clearly defined lead agency, the “Applicant Organization”, as detailed in the concept note template. This agency, if successful, would be the responsible contract party.

  • Will consortia need to have singular money management capacity, or will the collective sum of money managed be assessed?

    The money management capacity of the “Applicant Organization”, as the prospective grant holder, will be assessed, as will all relevant experience of other consortia members. The lead agency is responsible that the other consortia members apply proper management of the funds.

  • What are the limitations for Cuban applicants?

    For projects that include Cuba, project proponents (lead agencies) must be US based organizations. These must have experience in implementing projects and other activities in compliance with US Government regulations concerning Cuba. Applicants must include documentation that demonstrates such experience as well as any additional evidence that provides information on internal systems in place to ensure compliance.

  • Only a few countries are listed as eligible to apply under the CBF EbA Facility Second Call for Proposals. Will any exceptions be made to community based organizations within neighboring Caribbean countries that are not listed on the CBF website?

    Eligibility for EbA funding is based on the list of low and middle income countries that are eligible for Overseas Development Assistance (ODA), as identified by the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development’s Development Assistance Committee (OECD-DAC). Additional Caribbean countries may receive support through their participation in multi-country projects. Multi-country projects are projects involving activities in more than one country, and the majority of countries (at least three- quarters) must be on the list of eligible countries referenced above. These multi-country projects could benefit the following additional insular countries: Antigua and Barbuda, The Bahamas, Barbados, St. Kitts and Nevis, and Trinidad and Tobago.