Call For Proposal

Ecosystem-based Adaptation (EbA) Facility’s Third Call for Proposals


The Caribbean Biodiversity Fund (CBF), through its Ecosystem-based Adaptation Facility (EbA Facility), is requesting project concept notes with a focus on EbA actions that help people adapt to adverse effects of climate change, reduce disaster risk, and build resilient ecosystems and economies.

Around ten to fifteen million USD could be allocated under this Third Call for Proposals, depending on the number and quality of proposals. The EbA Facility will distribute grants from USD250,000 up to USD2 million, directly to local, national, regional and international institutions, including civil society organizations, government agencies, universities & research organizations, community-based organizations, and United Nations agencies in eligible countries and territories.

Call for Proposal Closed

Frequently Asked Questions

  • What types of projects will the ACE Facility support?

    Projects that demonstrate clear circular economy principles while addressing the prevention of marine litter, removal of marine litter (where the waste is further utilized, reused, recycled, repurposed, or proposed for proper disposal), and support knowledge and data generation on the topics of the circular economy and marine pollution in the Caribbean region. All projects will need to have a direct and measurable impact on reducing marine litter, promote a sustainable approach to demonstrate that they can operate financially independently by the end of the project grant funding period, and formulate new and/or strengthen existing partnerships that promote the circular economy in the Caribbean Region.

    The Facility will support the following waste streams and sectors:

    • Integrated Solid Waste Management Systems
    • Littering/open Dumpsite management
    • Agricultural plastics
    • Synthetic Textiles
    • Personal Care and Cosmetics Industry (Plastic Packaging)
    • Transport Sector (solid waste components and waste tyres)
    • Coastal/Offshore Tourism and Recreation
    • Medical Waste Articles such as medical sharps, needles and syringes, disposable masks, bandages, or other dressings, contribute significantly to solid waste
    • Abandoned, lost, or other discarded fishing gear (ALDFG)
    • Marine Transport Industry
    • Disaster Debris Management


  • What is the objective of the ACE Facility’s first call for proposals?

    The objective is to provide sustainable financing in support of innovative projects in the Caribbean Region that promote the principles of the circular economy, which includes reducing solid waste, extending the lifecycle of products, and creating sustainable business practices to address marine pollution.

  • Who is eligible to apply for the grant funding?

    Potential grantees include entities such as non-governmental organisations, community-based organisations, the private sector – small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), public institutions, regional organisations, research institutions, and academia.

    Organisations from outside the Caribbean applying for funding should have circular economy experience/expertise, as well as one or more local partners. It is expected that international organisations applying for grants will incorporate local knowledge transfer and capacity-building activities in their projects.

  • Can applicants use the concept note template provided by the EBA Facility to submit a concept note for the ACE Facility?

    No. The requirement is that applicants use the ACE Facility concept note template that is available on this webpage: Insert webpage link here. Note that the EBA Facility and the ACE Facility have distinct processes and objectives.

  • Are there requirements for co-financing and should it be addressed in the concept note stage?

    Co-financing shall be stated in the concept note. Grantees will be required to provide co-financing as follows:

    • Non-profit organisations (CBOs, academia, local and regional NGOs) – Whenever possible, co-financing should be identified to the amount of 25% co-financing (in-kind and cash inclusive)
    • Government Institutions; Statutory Bodies or Quasi-government Institutions – 25% co-financing (cash only)
    • Regional Organisations – 50% co-financing (25% cash and 25% in-kind)
    • For-profit private SMEs, NGOs, CBOs – 50% co-financing (25% cash and 25% in kind)