The CCI-CBF Partnership was recently highlighted as one of 300 registered SIDS Partnerships, as a case study at the Samoa Partnership Dialogue, which took place on October 29th 2018 in Apia, Samoa, organized in support of the meeting for the Samoa Pathway Mid-Term Review.
To foster a better understanding of the elements of a SIDS Partnership, UN Department of Economic and Social Affairs (UN-DESA) selected case studies and analyzed the design and development of enduring partnerships. This will form the basis of learning material, to be part of the outcome of Samoa Partnership Dialogue. The overall objective was to advance the Samoa Pathway and the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development in SIDS by increasing the capacity of stakeholders in forging new, genuine and durable multi-stakeholder partnerships, and strengthening the monitoring and review process of partnerships in SIDS.
UN DESA is developing a SIDS Partnership Toolbox, which will include the in-depth analysis of existing partnerships for SIDS, online learning material based on case studies and best practices of SIDS partnerships, and tools for assisting in the monitoring and review of partnerships for SIDS.
The CCI-CBF Partnership was presented as a best practice for our region in the plenary discussion of the Samoa Partnership Dialogue. We also presented on our technical experience on “Monitoring and measuring effective genuine and durable partnerships” in a UN-DESA side event at the SIDS (Samoa Pathway Mid-Term Review) meeting.