EbA Facility First Call for Proposals Grantees and Projects


May 12, 2020 – The Caribbean Biodiversity Fund’s (CBF) Ecosystem-based Adaptation (EbA) Facility approved 11 projects under its 1st Call for Proposals to implement EbA solutions within the marine and coastal zones of 10 Caribbean countries.

Agreements have now been signed with all 11 proponent organizations thus activating the implementation of the projects.  The table below provides summary information on the various activities. In upcoming CBF newsletters, we will take a closer look at each project, so watch this space!


Grantee Project Title Country or Countries Intervention Focus Area(s)
Centro Agronómico Tropical de Investigación y Enseñanza (CATIE) Mangroves for development – securing livelihoods and climate resilience in the Caribbean Dominican Republic ·        Degraded coastal-marine and terrestrial ecosystems rehabilitation.

·        Financial options

·        Sustainable and inclusive value chains and businesses.

Fundación REDDOM Rural Economic Development Dominicana Ecosystem based risk reduction in coastal areas of Samaná and La Altagracia provinces of Dominican Republic. Dominican Republic ·        Restoration of selected coral reef, mangrove and forest ecosystems through community-led EbA interventions.  Scale up on-going mangrove and coral reef restoration.
Fundación Grupo Puntacana (FGPC) Dramatically scaling up Multi-species Coral Restoration in Targeted Sites in the Dominican Republic as a Climate Change Adaptation Strategy (“CoralRestore DR”). Dominican Republic ·        Scale-up of tested coral reef restoration. Explants will be produced in land-based coral nurseries.
J/P Haitian Relief Organization Payment for Ecosystem Services (PES) to Protect Mangroves in Bondeau, Nippes, Haiti Haiti ·        Mangrove protection and rehabilitation. Non-monetary payment for ecosystem services.  Planting of moringa seedlings to create a greenbelt along the main ravine to reduce sedimentation while supplementing income for farmers.
Fauna & Flora International Union Island Climate Change Adaptation: Enhancing resilience of communities and globally important biodiversity through pioneering climate-smart tourism and curbing land-based stressors to coastal areas. St Vincent & the Grenadines ·        Reduction of land-based threats to coral reefs, seagrasses, mangroves and coastal forests. Development of an island-wide sustainable tourism strategy.
Grenada Community Development Agency (GRENCODA) Building Community Resilience and Ecosystem Based Adaptation to Climate Change in Selected Communities along the West Coast in Grenada Grenada ·        Restoration of marine habitat through coral restoration, MPA expansion and management. Protection and restoration of the natural riparian buffers along the rivers in the watershed area.
Saint Lucia National Trust Increasing the climate change resilience and public awareness of the Pointe Sable Environmental Protection Area and Pigeon Island National Landmark ecosystems. St Lucia ·        Green-grey hybrid project.  Mangrove and coral reef enhancement.  Educate resource users to pursue alternative livelihoods
University of the West Indies – Centre for Resource Management and Environmental Studies (UWI CERMES) Adapting to a new reality: managing responses to influxes of sargassum seaweed in the Eastern Caribbean as ecosystem hazards and opportunities (SargAdapt) Dominica, St. Lucia, St. Vincent & Grenadines, Barbados, Grenada. ·        Reducing the impacts of and improve adaptation to sargassum influxes in the Eastern Caribbean.  Demonstration projects on mitigating sargassum threats.
Inter-American Institute for Cooperation On Agriculture (IICA) Strengthening Coastal and Marine Climate Resilience through Community Engagement and Ecosystem

Based Adaptation Solutions in Upland Rural Watersheds

St. Lucia, Dominica, Antigua & Barbuda, Trinidad & Tobago ·        Upland rural watersheds rehabilitation using Vetiver System with monitoring of the effects on the coastal and marine environment.
Mona GeoInformatics Institute (UWI) Implementation of Eco-System Adaptation Measures for the Kingston Harbour Communities Jamaica ·        Mangrove rehabilitation and restoration coupled with reducing the impact of solid waste on the mangrove wetland.
Dominican Institute for Integrated Development (IDDI) Biodiversity Conservation and Resilient Livelihoods in Coastal Areas Threatened by Climate Change, Intensive Tourism, Traditional Fishing and Infrastructure Development in National Parks and Protected Areas of Montecristi, Dominican Republic (NPPA-M) and Three Bays National Park, Republic of Haiti (3BNP-H) Dominican Republic, Haiti ·        EbA pilots focused on the restoration of mangroves and associated wetlands. Creation of an enabling policy environment to carrying out ecosystem conservation/restoration, complemented with awareness, capacity building.
Asha-Gaye Cowell
Program Officer, Conservation Finance
Asha-Gaye Cowell is the Conservation Finance Program Officer. She has a diverse academic background, which includes a BSc. Economics and Statistics with first class honors, MSc. International Public and Development Management and a Visiting Fellowship Certification from the University of Oxford where she studied Behavioral Economics along with Strategy and Ethics. Complementing her academic prowess is a cross-section of professional experiences, including work with the Caribbean Community (CARICOM), UNECLAC, USAID, the Permanent Missions of Jamaica to the UN, among others. With extensive civic involvement, volunteerism, and strategic partnerships, Asha is very passionate about leadership, international and regional development, economics, youth and climate change.

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