The Effective Marine Protected Area Activities for the Caribbean (EMPAC) project is aimed at advancing marine conservation in the Caribbean. It aligns well with the ongoing efforts of Caribbean governments and other key stakeholders as they work towards achieving the global 30×30 conservation target. Thirty-by-thirty (30×30) refers to efforts by the global community to conserve 30% of terrestrial and marine habitat by 2030.
The main focus of the EMPAC Project is on Marine Protected Areas (MPAs) in the Caribbean which includes their designation, implementation, and expansion. The project was designed to drive progress in two critical areas: regional political engagement towards the 30×30 conservation goal and the launch of a collaborative Caribbean Biodiversity Fund (CBF) Marine Protected Areas Facility.
The CBF is leading this project with support from the Blue Nature Alliance. The Blue Nature Alliance is an ambitious global partnership that collaborates with governments, NGOs, Indigenous peoples, and scientists to advance effective large-scale ocean conservation. Collaboration with key partners such as Organization of Eastern Caribbean States (OECS), GIZ (German Development Agency), SPAW RAC (Regional Activity Centre for the Protocol Concerning Specially Protected Areas and Wildlife for the Wider Caribbean Region), BIOPAMA team, MPA Connect and others will be essential in the successful implementation of the EMPAC Project.
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